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Series production for Russian diesel locomotive

发布时间 2018年10月15日 - 类别 行业.

The company REICH is supplying the Arcusaflex coupling to the manufacturer of the ТЭМ14 diesel locomotive in stages. The highly flexible, axially pluggable flange coupling acts as a connection between the engine and the driven machine. Each engine unit consists of two independently working aggregates, each with an 8-cylinder 4-stroke diesel engine and traction generator. 160 couplings therefore come together each year for the planned production of 80 locomotives.

Assigning the series supply to the Bochum-based coupling specialists demonstrates great confidence in the drive components. One advantage of the Arcusaflex, for example, is the highly flexible transmission element that is installed by means of plug-in assembly. It consists of a disc-shaped rubber body with torque-to-bore volume ratio. This dampens torsional vibrations to a large extent and enables the compensation of misalignments at operating temperatures up to 80 ºC. Thanks to functions and advantages like these, REICH has been able to successfully prevail with its coupling over the manufacturer of the product previously used.

Flexible use in a temperate climate

The high performance of 2,400 hp qualifies the ТЭМ14 locomotive series to be used for shunting services, the transport of heavy goods as well as for mainline services on railways with a track width of 1,520 mm. The ТЭМ14 is used in regions with a temperate climate. It generally operates without any problems at outdoor temperatures of –50 °C to +40 °C.

New inquiry for the series ТЭ8

In addition to the broad-gauge ТЭМ14, some new copies of the diesel locomotive ТЭ8 are also needed on Russia's rails. For this purpose, the manufacturer has requested the supply of 100 Arcusaflex ballast couplings. Now it's REICH's turn again.

Technical data – ТЭМ14 diesel locomotive: REICH-news Serienfertigung Für Russische Diesellokomotive Content

  • Year of manufacture: since 2011
  • Track width: 1,520 mm
  • Length: 21,500 mm
  • Height: 5,290 mm
  • Width: 3,280 mm
  • Service weight: 200 t
  • Friction load: 200 t
  • Wheel set load: 25 t
  • Maximum speed: 100 km/h
  • Installed power: 2 x 1,200 hp
  • Wheel diameter: 1,050 mm
  • Engine type: eight-cylinder four-stroke diesel engine
  • Power transmission: diesel-electric with mixed power
  • Tank capacity: 6,000 l

Technical data ARCUSAFLEX AC11 NN.:

  • Weight 225kg
  • outer diameter 850mm
  • Nominal torque TKN 18.000Nm
  • Maximum torque TKmax 45.000Nm
  • Continuous alternating torque TKW 9.000mm
  • Dynamic torsion spring stiffness CT 250.000Nm/rad
  • Maximum speed nmax 1.800min-1


发布时间: 2018年10月15日
类别: 行业

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